*Y@ BOi D-vo*

*Y@ BOi D-vo*
*Mr. 18*

Monday, May 24, 2010

**DIPOLMA TIME!!!....hold up maybe??**

Check this out 2day May 24, 2010 was my last day of high school. Took my last exam 2day which was my 4th period Mrs. Hills class. You already kno EVERYBODY passed that shit no prob lol. After that shit went to the senior meeting shit just talking bout people who owed class dues and books. Left that shit and went straight to the teachers I wasnt 100% sure about if I was going to pass in. Went to Mr. Cooper first got my absenses and shit checked and worked out. Went to Friddle-Boon (Physics) said I made a 74 in there so shit I passed. After Fiddle-Boon went to my US HISTORY with Mr. Duncan. I was to scared when I walked in there. I was worring about his class all weekend long. I aint even gon lie it kinda keep me up that night couldnt sleep thinking bout if I passed his class or not. I walked in there and asked him did I make it and first thing he said.."WELL IDK STILL WAITING ON A BOOK REVIEW...YOU REALLY GOING TO RISK NOT TURNING THAT IN?" I told him some bullshit and just said MAN I AINT HAD TIME AND I HAD OTHER PROJECTS AND PAPERS I WAS WORRING ABOUT AND JUST DIDNT GET AROUND TO DOING THE BOOK REVIEW...he looked at me and was like "YOU HAD TIME YOU JUST DIDNT DO IT"...tru but shit still I did have alot of other shit doe. I asked for his yearbook so I could sign it. All I put in there was "DONOVAN: From you 5th period to your 3rd period I alwayz enjoyed your class" I liked it and give him his yearbook back. He pulled out his gradebook and was searching for my name. I was waiting and watching him go down the page with his finger tryna find my name. He found my name and was like "WELL....IT LOOKS LIKE YOU......WILL BE GRADUATING" I was to happy after that. Felt like a heavy weight just lifted off my chest. He told me I made a 72 and asked me is that good for me?...I was like HELL YEA THATS GOOD FOR ME SHIT AINT THAT PASSING...shit thats all I wanted to know. After I heard that I left the class and was set in my mind Im graduating because I passed all my classes, BARELY but passing. All my classes I was straight in so I was happy and went off and chill up in the cafeteria. Started thinking doe my averages and shit what I needed in the class to really graduate not just passing. Like if my 3rd Quarter grade was a 60 I would have to make a 80 to pass the class and in some of my classes I jus barely passed but didnt make what I needed to pass but I still passed all my classes doe. Asked my manager at work and she was talking about how "no child should be left behind" and as long as I showed my teachers that I tried even doe I didnt make my average I can still graduate. So shit thats what Im relying on wont find out for sure til senior breakfast Wednesday..I mean shit I think I should still be graduating shit I passed all my classes so I should still be able to walk and get my Dimpolma..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

*Quita tries PART 2 (different song this time)*

**This is PART 2 of Quita ATTEMPTING to sing...STILL CANT SING!**

**Me Graduating...**

 I hope I graduate and I should be since I pasted my hardest classes GOVERNMENT & ECONOMY. I had failed GOVERNMENT first semester with Mr. Davis then second semester took it up with Mr. Hueble. Passed them 2 classes no doubt. Both teachers come up to me and said "Donovan.....you made it...was a lil worried about you in the end but you made it, you've passed my class" so shit done with them 2. Passed my WEB DESIGN class. I had to make a 90% on the exam..which I did plus my teacher helped me so Im good for 3 classes guaranteed. Pretty sure I passed PHYSICS the exam wasn't to hard, I wasn't struggling to complete it so guess Im good in there. Thats 4 classes Im passing...6th period Ms. Osborn passed her class did good on my memory book so thats 5 classes Im good in. 4th period exam is Monday and Im not worried about failing her class or exam so Im already good for 4th period. 6 classes I know Im pretty much good in...but my 3rd period Im kinda worried about it. I had a 77 (C-) in his class and turned in my CHILDREN'S BOOK in 4 dayz late, 10 points deducted a day late so the highest grade I could've made on the book was a 60. Better to turn it in then not to so shit I scrapped one up at the last minute because I wasn't planning on doing it. Did my TERMS and NAMES so made a 100 on those. We had a BOOK REVIEW and a FINAL PAPER due May. 21 and I did my FINAL PAPER at the last minute 2 dayz before it was due. My paper was only 2 pages long with a couple of lines on the 2nd page so shit hopefully he jus said fuck it and gave me full credit for it. I didnt turn in my BOOK REVIEW jus didnt do it at all. Didnt have a book, a computer to type it up on and print out, or time to do it. Thats an excuse I kno but I was focused on getting done with all my other projects first then work on 3rd periods stuff because his projects were due last. EOC was fucked up the way they made the questions on there confused everybody and some of the answers on there were similar you could of picked 2 answers for 1 question so you didnt really kno which one to pick. So I might of did bad on that so I dnt kno how bad the BOOK REVIEW and the EOC gon hurt me. BUT if my teacher look out and I still pass den IM GOOD!! Graduating JUNE 3rd 2010

*Quita ATTEMPTS to sing Trey Songz..**

*** CHECK QUITA OUT..   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKXw4bnLwas  ***


SENIORS ONLY ****  http://www.myspace.com/gsgniggas  **** CHECK OUT THE JL MANN SENIORS SONG I MADE..**Y@ BOi D-vo**

Saturday, May 22, 2010

*SAMSUNG MOMENT (how to get your phone and computer to recognize each other when you connect the usb cord)*


"I also just purchased a Samsung Moment. I had the same problem with the USB Connection. After searching several places for help, I found the help I need by going to the Android. Go to Settings on your phone, GO TO APPLICATIONS, tap Development and UNCHECK the box for USB debugging then reconnect your USB. It was as simple as that. Hope this helps. It worked for me after I did it."